Friday, April 1, 2016

Microchipping Hazard

In reading the Irish Times newspaper this morning we came across an extraordinary article. Scientists here in Ireland have discovered that the microchips we place in our pets to keep them safe and able to be returned to us if they stray can occasionally cause animals to loose body mass. This definitely is new information and something that should be carefully considered before microchipping your cat or dog. If your pet is chipped more research into this needs to be taken. After all, our pets are family members. Their health and well-being is very important. 


  1. I wonder if people have been seeing this same effect on pets here in the US. Miss Lily has had her microchip for many years now and the only noticeable possible effect in her I have seen is that she seems to have actually gotten a bit larger and her belly a bit softer. (Oh, please don't tell her I told you that!) Hmmm, maybe it is just Irish microchips with this issue. Jeez, maybe you should bring some of the shrinking microchips home. You could probably sell them on Craig's List to owners of purse dogs that have outgrown their purses.

  2. Well, it is true that we saw an awful lot of small dogs on Dublin. Although there were those Irish wolfhounds.... Maybe like Alice, "One makes you smaller, and one makes you taller." Dubliners pick a dog style and then the appropriat sizing chip?
